Teaching English Online

How Can You Make Money by Teaching English Online
by Carter Clever
During the Pandemic days in 2020 and 2021, because of pandemic conditions we have all seen a huge shift from working in offices to working online due to COVID-19.
Almost all companies have to move everyday business to online business. Yet some of these companies have done a great job of transitioning to remote work, and now seeing that this way of working could easily be here to stay post-coronavirus.
Can you get paid to speak english online like tandem?
Will it work from home or you need a work space? In anyway, you get to keep it casual.
Lots of people don’t know is that there was already a developing market of online education companies that focus on teaching English to students all across the globe, who are looking to improve their foreign language skills. There are lots of these companies based in many different countries that provide one-to-one or group class lessons between ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers and students.
The great thing about these companies is that, unlike traditional classroom teaching, you can work for a company in a different country than the one you’re living in. This means it’s possible for you to make money teaching English online from home, remotely while traveling, or while living abroad. When you get paid to speak English online, the world is your oyster!
In addition, the process of becoming an online ESL teacher does not have as many requirements as you might imagine, and the process of getting started can be quite straightforward!
How much can you make teaching English online?
How much you can make teaching English online depends on a few factors.
The first thing you should be aware of is that teaching English online provides a lot of flexibility with the hours you work, including when you teach and how many hours you teach. If you’re sick of the normal nine-to-five work week, then you may be quite excited to hear this!
By picking your own hours, you get to decide when you work and how much you work. Bear in mind though that you’ll usually need to open up hours in your schedule that are considered “peak hours” in order to get bookings; you should research these times for the country in which the company you’re hired at is based.
That being said, the flexible hours allow you to set your own schedule and what you earn will then be determined by how many hours you work and the hourly rate the company offers.
making money teaching english online
A laptop and a decent internet connection are your ticket to a great salary!

Most companies typically pay around $12–$25 per hour based on your experience, performance, and how well you do in the interview process. It’s a good idea not to worry too much if you’re offered a lower rate to start, and instead look at how much you can earn per month.
For example, if you work 30 hours per week at $15 per hour, you’ll be earning $1800 per month. Plus, there’s always the possibility of your hourly rate being increased over time, or moving to a new company that pays more once you have more experience.
Please read our article about “How can you start making money teaching English online?“